The Top 10 Biggest Solar Panel Myths

If you have an interest in a thing that doesn't mean everyone likes it, we have lots of people around us that don't prefer what we like. Sometimes people start making myths about the thing they didn't like it. This kind of person can found around you or on the internet because it a place where you can reach many peoples in a go.
The same issue appears with the solar power system, many people have set their minds that installing solar panels will make a hole in your pocket. There are many points including the cot vs benefits ratio of the solar power system.
Today we will discuss and describe the most common myths that have taken place in your mind; also we will clear the doubts that have been made after reading about these myths.
Here are the lists of top solar panel myths that are running around the internet and also around your life.
1) Solar panels consume more energy to make than the energy they produce

It's not true, solar panel system produces far more energy throughout the lifetime than they consume while building.
This is the biggest myth that you have also seen on the internet on many websites but this is false. With the new and latest technology updates, the energy resources & cost of making solar panels are decreasing. A solar panel system repays its initial cost in three to four years and then start saving you a lot of money.
A good quality solar panel system lasts 25-30 years and mostly all the good solar companies provide 25 years of warranty with the regular maintenance service.
2) Cloudy days stops solar panel to producing energy

This isn't true; the Solar panel system generates energy when there is very little sunlight like on cloudy days with lesser efficiency because clouds cannot cover the energy of sunlight completely.
On cloudy days solar panels will produce energy easily as I mention clouds don't block all the sunlight because the solar panel might produce energy with less efficiency on the cloudy days but cannot stop them from producing energy. So, you cannot say that cloudy days can stop solar panels producing energy.
3) The solar panel don't repay their initial cost quickly

False, while installing solar panels system at your place you will get the solar incentives in the form of state incentives and nation incentives, most of the electricity companies also provide a good amount of discount on installing solar panel systems.
These solar benefits and incentive schemes reduce the initial cost of installing a solar panel system. Every solar panel system whether it's an on-grid or an off-grid, all the systems repays its initial cost after 3-4 years of installing. For the rest of the years, you only save you money that you pay for the electricity bills before installing a solar power system.
By just taking care of solar panels like cleaning every few months will help the system in the long run and also reduce the maintenance cost. You can easily reduce maintenance & servicing cost by regular cleaning (once in a few months) because solar panels don't need regular servicing.
4) Installing solar panels will not break down the electricity bills

It's a very common thing, why people install a solar panel at home or workplace if they didn't get their electricity bills low. This is wrong; the solar panel system will break down your electricity bills by reducing dependency on the electric power grid. It also provides credits by the process of net metering if you have opted.
It also depends on your usage, if you are using most of the solar energy in the day time like running of machines, you can easily save money on electricity bills.
Installing solar batteries will work like a pro if you want to use solar energy at night instead of day time.
5) Solar panels are not for me if I am not using them at day time

False, you can still use solar energy by installing solar batteries or can also feed solar energy to the power grid and enjoy the credits easily by the net metering process.
You can consume solar energy at night by just installing solar batteries with your solar panel system. If not then you can take advantage of net metering by feeding to the electricity grid and take benefits on using solar energy. At night you can use the electric power grid as your source of energy because at night you have the minimum consumption.
6) Maintenance & care eat lots of money

It's not true because doing maintenance& cleaning every few months will make your solar panel system maintenance-free. Maintenance is important but not very frequently because a simple cleaning in a while is enough for producing energy with good efficiency.
In the case, you feel lower efficiency or any issue in your system that you didn't get fully to resolve, contact your solar installer, and get your problem solved. If you face any problem in the solar system it doesn't mean it requires maintenance or service, it could be a little fault somewhere in the system.
Sunny Sky Solar don't promote these myths
Sunny Sky Solar is a leading solar power installer in Brisbane, Queensland that deals in all the solar panel systems that include 5KW Solar panel system, 6KW solar panel system, 10KW solar panel system, and many more at an irresistible price.
Our experts & professionals help in choosing the best solar power system by analyzing the energy usages, budget, and location of your house. According to your usage of electricity, we have three types of solar panel system that includes on-grid solar panel system, off-grid solar panel system, and hybrid solar panel system.
Sunny Sky Solar is against all these myths and proving them wrong by providing the best installation services and guidance so that you can easily take benefits of a solar panel system.
Don't make decisions by just seeing these myths and false statements on the internet or anywhere outside. Contact the best solar installer in Brisbane and get advice from the professionals of this field on how beneficial is a solar panel system for you and your house or office. Sunny Sky Solar offers experts advice on the phone or in-house to elaborate on the advantages of solar power system if installed at your place.